Terraseis has been conducting successful seismic surveys in numerous countries since 1999. During this time the company has completed seismic surveys in areas that are highly remote and often involve a high security threat level and political instability.
Terraseis conducts its work with reference to the IAGC Environmental Guidelines, E&P FORUM Environmental Guidelines for Land Geophysical Operations, and the OGP. As part of the companies commitment to Health, Safety, Security, and Environment, Terraseis has fostered the development of an effective HSSE Management System (HSSE MS) that not only meets the needs of the companies expatriate staff but also that of the local employees engaged in the acquisition of seismic data.
The HSSE MS utilized by the company has establish a foundation that supports a growing safety culture throughout the organization. Companywide participation in Health & Safety is growing and extends from management down through the organization to our employees.
Terraseis recognizes that the frequency and severity of Health, Safety, Security, and Environmental incidents are significantly reduce when there is an effective management system in place that ensures all individuals working on the program are aware of the risks and hazards associated with the work being conducted. Terraseis’ managers and supervisors facilitate this process through open communication and encourage participation throughout all phases of the operation in order to facilitate the growth of a safe and informed work culture.
Terraseis’ HSSE Mangers work closely with Project Managers, Department Supervisors, and Field Personnel to ensure the issues brought forward through the HSSE MS are addressed and mitigated in a manner that upholds the standards set out in this system. Job training, Pre-employment Indications, Inspections, Audits, and the frequency of Safety Meetings conducted, both in the field and management directed, provide solid platforms for the communication of program hazards, unsafe acts and conditions, incident review and overall program functioning. The safety record of Terraseis, over the past years, gives testament to the effectiveness of the program and the company’s ability to function effectively and hazardous in high risk locations.